Note to Self

What is this ?
This is a webapp created with the aim to fill the gap between Google Calendar and Google Tasks Keep (basically, a notepad with the Calendar ability to send e-mail alerts and having an event recurrence – Edit 08/22/2013 : Well, Google Keep can now send reminders, but no recurrence so far). I really needed an electronic version of the paper notes covering my desk and keep my calendar clean for “important” things. It looks like this :


Why Mojolicious ?
Serendipity. I made an old task management application in Rails, but I have absolutly no motivation to adapt it to Rails 3.0, then I found this article in my RSS agregator.
I already found it great (Perl and UNIX oriented), then I saw all the references to Futurama and I just knew this framework was made for me.

How to use it ?
This is clearly designed for an home deployement and usage. All you need is Perl with Mojolicious and DBD modules (on an UNIX/Linux system, obviously), with a PostgreSQL database. All installation instructions are listed on the archive.

Download : Note to self
(SHA-256 : deaff4547ebefd4b1eb6035bdf370e45a2c846cca2faddcbbd923aad275efd34).